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snippet: Displays traffic safety devices, speed cushions and speed humps.
summary: Displays traffic safety devices, speed cushions and speed humps.
extent: [[-122.380041204374,47.497683638628],[-122.261924650466,47.7302206712516]]
accessInformation: City of Seattle, Seattle Department of Transportation
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Displays Speed Cushions which are a set of small speed humps with space in between used in low volume arterial streets and on non-arterial streets that have been designated as an emergency fire route. The purpose of these assets is to slow down cars, which improves safety and encourages the use of other modes of transportation. Spacing is designed to allow wider-axle emergency vehicles to pass through without slowing down. Displays Speed humps which are in street paved mounds used in low volume arterial streets and on non-arterial streets that have been designated as emergency fire routes. The purpose of these assets is to slow down cars, which improves safety and encourages the use of other modes of transportation. Spacing is designed to allow wider-axle emergency vehicles to pass through without slowing down.
title: SDOT_TrafficSafetyDevices
type: Map Service
tags: ["SDOT","GIS","speed cushion","speed hump"]
culture: en-US
name: SDOT_TrafficSafetyDevices
guid: 2C4856B1-0C9D-47B6-9F17-427B9C0C8654
spatialReference: NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601_Feet